Let's Take This Show On The Road

The Americas Mart Fall Home & Gift Market | Atlanta

Since the launch of The Global Woman Pillow Collection a couple months ago, it's been non-stop action from promotions to presentations and, most recently, it's first showing at the Americas Mart Fall Home & Gift Market in Downtown Atlanta.  For those not familiar, "markets" are trade-only expos that feature products for wholesale ordering.  I've been to "market" many times throughout the years as a Designer/Buyer but this was my first experience as an exhibitor.  The Fall market is much smaller to say Winter and Summer and I am so glad I chose to start off at the smaller market.  What an experience!  The pillows were ready to go and the least of my worries.  I had to get together the shelving, props, signage, order forms, promo cards, merchant account, transportation from Miami to Atlanta [with all of the aforementioned items in tow]....trust me, the list goes on and on.  I was in Atlanta for a total of eight days but it flew by so quickly, it felt more like three.  Yes, it was hard work.  Yes, it was a ton of fun.  Yes, it was worth the effort!!!  :) I met a lot of great people and I learned a lot as well.  I'm excited to share with you some pics of the booth below.  After it was all said and done, I realized I didn't get any shots of the set-up or the crowd or anything else for that matter.  Everything went so fast.  Next time, I'll definitely document this experience better.  I can't wait! :)

1 comment


Everything looks great! No doubt you were a success!!!!!

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